To start us off, New Member WARREN DODSON led the Pledge. The accomplished duo of LENNY and PP JIM took us through America the Beautiful. NICK KAHRILAS was up next with the Invocation. He presented a series of situations, all of which could turn out either way, or ending with “having enough determination to make each and every day better than yesterday”. Well done, NICK Rev. GAULD’S niche may become threatened!
Before I get further behind, let me commend MARK BLOCK for another excellent Windmill. In trying to spare MARK this chore, I called several others, all of whom had what appeared to be credible excuses. But note, I’ll be knocking on the door again, OK?
Allow me to hark back to the wonderful summer party at the NELSON’S on August 20th. While I noted the many members of our Auxiliary who were involved, I failed to properly credit several WVRC Members who made major contributions. President DON NELSON, of course, CHRIS BRADFORD (I think his middle name is wine), GEORGE DEA, and PP JIM DOWNIE (he ran the slight risk of being picked up as a true gambler with that great costume). And while I’m confessing to errors, I mistakedly listed PP JIM COLLINS donation to WVRC for his business sale as $10K. It was SEVENTY K! A relatively minor error, I’m sure you will agree…
New member Warren Dodson and Pat
Ready to ride
President DON introduced our Visiting Rotarians. Jean Dores is from the Palm Desert Club, and is a Community Association Manager. She will be accompanying PP RON LYSTER on a Motorcycling Rotarian junket after our meeting. Angi Wong belongs to the Palos Verdes Sunset Club, and she will be our Speaker today. ED GAULD introduced his Special Guest, Mark Rogo, who is with Coldwell Banker, concentrating on Special Previews. KACY ROZELLE also had a Special Guest, Chris Bollenbach. He is with Smith Barney in Westwood, handling Private Wealth Management. PP BOB WESSLING brought his “wonderful wife of 44 years”, Judy. WARREN DODSON introduced his wife, Pat.
The only important announcement today was a report on PDG ANDY ANDERSON. Eloise Siskel tells me that Pat says he is slowly improving, after a couple of very rough days. Again, please, cards and notes only. They do help, but don’t consider a visit or telephoning, please.
District 5280 Rotarians and friends are invited to Rotary Night at Dodger Stadium, Tuesday, Sept 21st, when they play the Arizona Diamondbacks. We have a special rate of $11.50 for Field Level seats (that’s half price) and if you would like to go, please call YOE. We’ll also discuss it at our next meeting but we need to gauge your interest, please.
The clarification regards the Passport Program in which we may participate. The plan is that you take our passport to another club but ONLY in District 5280 have them sign it, and then you report back about what they did at their meeting. YOE is the keeper of the Passport, so lemme know when you would like to carry it along, please.
It was Birthday Presentation day but before September could be listed, President DON asked KACY ROZELLE to step forward. Seems that KACY didn’t make it to the Presentation for August, and thus got his gift today and the usual storage fee of ten bucks was levied, for those who weren’t present on their recognized delivery date. He started August off on the 1st, arriving in Basking Ridge NJ.- just to complete the record.
The legitimate birthdayers, all in September, began with TONY MARRONE, who chose the 6th, in Pueblo, Colorado. PP JIM DOWNIE elected the 8th, in Minneapolis, Minn. and as the Pianist, had to WORK on his birthday! ED JACKSON came along on the 12th, in LA (but he didn’t show today!). Honorary Member AVA PEPLOW chose Santa Monica on the 15th, while SOL DRESNER elected the 16th, in far-away Rochester NY. (SOL is on a Leave of Absence at present). SEAN McMILLAN claims Ireland, which he also claims is a good place to be FROM his date is the 27th. Last was SLOSS VIAU, on the 30th in Fresno. This litany was concluded with an announcement that the District 5280 response to the New Orleans emergency will be discussed by the Club Presidents this evening, with the expectation that whatever each Club gives will be matched by the District, so we can give one check to District 6840, which is centered in New Orleans. President DON assured us that WVRC would be making a major donation to this fund.
September Birthdays
President DON’S latest story There was this young redneck who volunteered for military service during WWII. His aptitude scores were so high, that he was sent directly to Pensacola Naval Air Station. On his first day, he soloed, and was recognized as the best pilot on the entire base. All they could do was give him his Gold Wings and assign him to an aircraft carrier in the Pacific. On his first day aboard, he took off, and single-handedly shot down six Japanese fighter aircraft. Then, climbing up to 20,000 feet, he found nine more Japanese planes, and shot them all down. Recognizing that his fuel was running low, he descended, circled the carrier, and made a perfect three-point landing. He leaped out of his plane, jogged over to the Captain, saluted, and asked, “Well Sir, how did I do on my very first day?” The Captain turned around, bowed politely, and said, “You make only one velly, velly serious mistake”. I gotta tell you, DON, these are really GREAT stories keep it up!
Angi Ma Wong
TONY MARRONE introduced our Speaker, Angi Ma Wong. She began college at Virginia Tech, then transferred to and graduated from USC. After surviving cancer in the summer of 1989, she went on to become a Corporate Facilitator, publisher with 21 titles to her credit and is recognized as a leading authority on Feng Shui. This program, which could be very briefly described at The Chinese Art of Placement, will be her subject today. She has appeared on Oprah, Regis, CBS Sunday Morning and many other programs. Her clientele includes some corporate giants Ford Motor Co, AT&T, Bof A and many more.
Angi’s uncle is our HENRY TSENG, and she admitted she couldn’t compete with him for years in Rotary, but she has been a member in Palos Verdes for thirteen years. Whenever she hears what we sang today, America the Beautiful, she remembers being on Pike’s Peak, overlooking the Colorado basin, which is where Kathleen Lee Bates wrote the words for that song.
Feng Shui is the Chinese system of placement that aligns our energies with the energies of the Universe. It originated in China to determine the proper placement of ancestor’s tombs. She also advocates taking good care of our parents, since that will determine our success in later life.
The Chinese look forward to getting older, since they are assured of being taken care of by their children (a sometimes novel ides, right?). Feng Shui is on of the five components of our destiny. Fate comprises 70%, and we have no choice in this area. Luck comes in three categories, making up 15% of the remainder. First is Heaven Luck 5% - which is good. Then there is manmade luck, which results from your free choice. The third kind of luck is pure luck, and the last 5% of this category. She gave an example of asking for one telephone ID number, and somehow, getting another. Her number became 8818 which in Chinese, stands for Prosperity, Prosperity, guaranteed Prosperity! The third component of our destiny, at 5%, is Feng Shui. The next 5% is Charity, from the heart, and Philanthropy, from your wallet. The final 5% is Education and Self-Development.
Here are some tips on Placement: Now is a very good time to clean the grave of your ancestors. In the Chinese culture, having male children was important, not only to carry on the family name, but because it must be men who clean the graves of their ancestors.
There are three afflictions currently that can cause problems. First, face east, NOT west. Do not have the east behind you. Avoid disturbing anything in your garden, for instance, which is in the north-west. This is the Year of the Rooster, and thus you should take particular care of your body. September, by the way, is a good month to schedule surgery, or to have dental work done. For men, whose age ends in a 9, don’t set any surgery the rest of this year. And for women, if your age ends in 0, the same applies.
I’m moving on now to Q&A. ELLIOTT TURNER, What kind of Feng Shui do they do in Hong Kong, where they are just building a Disneyland. Any buildings that go up in HK will have been positioned by Feng Shui. In Singapore, also, they would not make a move without it. PP MIKE NEWMAN, The building at Malcolm and Wilshire is this an example of your work. Before the building is even built, I perform a blessing of the property, plus choosing the auspicious day to do the groundbreaking. The building is already sold out. SLOSS VIAU We have a horseshoe over our front door. Is that still OK. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. BRIAN BUMPAS just returned from China, with eight other members of his family - he LOVES China! RALPH BEASOM, What do you think of this room we are in. The room is very nice it has a good feel to it. Angi didn’t like the sloping ceiling, but it was OK since no one was sleeping above it which prompted President DON to remark that there might be one or two at the back of the room that WERE asleep. New Member REZA BUNDY, what is the relationship between charity, philanthropy and heavenly luck. Charity is from the heart, Philanthropy is from the wallet, and heavenly luck usually follows. Last question, by President DON, My wife and I have a cemetery plot should I go out and clean it. It can’t hurt.
Thought to ponder if quitters never win, and winners never quit, who came up with the adage, “Quit while you’re ahead”?